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Forest Facts

  • Patterson, NSW
  • The Groundswell Collective
  • Planted: 01/09/2024
  • 1050 plants
  • 350 m2

Our first tiny forest to be planted in a rural area – the Tocal Tiny Forest aims to showcase the benefits of tiny forest for land restoration, biodiversity, used as a wind break and for preventing run-off.

This project will include a side-by-side planting of the Miyawaki method next to an area planted traditionally – highlighting the differences over time.

A range of biodiversity studies will be undertaken in partnership with Macquarie University.

Planting of 1050 native species will take place in September 2024 completed by Tocal College staff and students.

This tiny forest project will be led by The Groundswell Collective, funded by Carbon Positive Australia and supported by Hunter Urban Forests.
